But I am currently inspired to write about the happenings in my life right now because a lot has happened and a lot is about to happen! And, I'm excited. To be honest, it's taken me a bit to get to this point of "I'm excited". It's been more like
70% "uhhh...what. real life? adult? moving? helllp!"
and 30% "yeah! this rocks!"
However, now it's pretty much all "This rocks because Jesus is so faithful in every step and He for sure will be in this one too!" and maybe a dash of anxiety ;-)
And not to mention, I made some amazing friends that made going through these two years of academic stress not as bad because we were all always in the same boat.
The next step in my life is moving! In 2.5 weeks (on the 17th of June) I am moving about 400 miles away to Portland, Maine! For a little over a year and a half my boyfriend, Geoff and I have been in a long distance relationship (He, in Maine. I, here in Philly). It's been wonderful but it's been hard being that far away from my best friend and my love. So we both decided, with prayer and counsel, that the next step would be that after I graduate to move up there where he is. Two amazingly gracious and awesome people from Geoff's church are going to be hosting me in their home and I even have a temporary dental hygiene job lined up to take a hygienist's maternity leave for ten weeks! God has blessed the planning of this move in so many ways and I'm so thankful.
One of the most common questions I get asked (often critically and rudely, may I add) is "why isn't Geoff moving here?". The most important answer to that question revolves around where both Geoff and I feel Jesus is calling us in the future. Geoff and I met in Montreal in the Summer of 2008 on a mission trip. Through various visits back to my, and his, favorite city (Montreal), God had placed a calling on my heart to be apart of what Jesus wants to do there. On the same hand, Jesus placed that same calling in Geoff's heart. We both would love to and feel called to move there one day and be apart of what Jesus is doing. If you want to know more about what He is doing right now there (amazing things!), check out the church plant that Geoff and I will eventually be a part of when we go! (whenever that may be!) It's called initiative 22 and is lead by Geoff and I's friends Dwight and his wife Jess. They also have two adorable sons :-) Check it out Here.
So simply put, Geoff moving to Philly would be both geographically and logically going backwards in this goal that we have for our future(s) in Montreal. We're both really excited to see what Jesus does from here on out.
And so now, I'm in that weird stage of "I'm really done school for the rest of my life." and "crap, I don't have anything planned out for me anymore?". That whole feeling kind of knocked me off my feet the first few weeks but sometimes that is when I'm pushed most towards the one I know who never changes even when everything else around me is. Jesus. Oh, what a friend I have in my savior, Jesus. He is my rock and my confidant. He is who unites me and some of my closest friends with the strongest bond that can't be broken because we're united in Christ. He has never left me and it took me awhile to get to this point of rest in Him for this stage but He has brought to a place of peace. A place where I can say and truly believe :
Jesus is faithful. He always has been and he always will be. This next step in my life is no different for Him. He will be faithful to the end.
Lamentations 3:22-23
" Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
" Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
I'm so thankful that even though I change, things change, and life changes, He is always faithful.
So here's to the next step (or large leap)! :)